
The Christian & Domestic violence

Domestic violence is real and it happens even in the church.

Since it is a sensitive topic, we don’t bring it up much in the church. People can pretend a lot in church by making it look as if everything is “perfect”

While domestic violence can involve women abusing men, in most cases, men abuse women. It’s a fact of biology that women are typically physically weaker than men. And, typically, the strong and powerful frequently oppress those who are weaker. By its very nature, domestic violence happens in the privacy of the home.

Both abuser and victim tend to hide the truth, because of a combination of denial, fear, and shame. Sometimes, women may excuse their abusers in a misguided attempt to protect their children.

Check out this amazing conversation we had with Dr Angela Aboagye-Dwamena (Director of the Ark Foundation, Ghana) on Domestic violence/abuse.


Domestic Abuse & The Christian

Domestic violence is real and it happens even in the church.

Since it is a sensitive topic, we don’t bring it up much in the church. People can pretend a lot in church by making it look as if everything is “perfect”

While domestic violence can involve women abusing men, in most cases, men abuse women. It’s a fact of biology that women are typically physically weaker than men. And, typically, the strong and powerful frequently oppress those who are weaker. By its very nature, domestic violence happens in the privacy of the home.

Both abuser and victim tend to hide the truth, because of a combination of denial, fear, and shame. Sometimes, women in particular may excuse their abusers in a misguided attempt to protect their children.

Check out this amazing conversation we had with Dr Angela Aboagye-Dwamena (Director of the Ark Foundation, Ghana) on Domestic violence/abuse.


Grace For Single Women

Being single has its blessings and challenges. The key to remember is that every stage of life can be fulfilling when we discover our purpose for that season. Being single doesn’t mean you are less than another person or shouldn’t mean that you have to be miserable.

Wherever yo are on your masterpiece journey is simply a snapshot in time. Make sure to:

  1. discover your passion, purpose and assignment.
  2. enjoy where you are today  even if that is not where you want to be. Be thankful for where you, are on your way to where you want to be.
  3. Focus on developing yourself – create boundaries (not walls) and build your village.
  4. Develop the grit to be fiercely committed to your happiness and success!

Listen to this riveting conversation I had with Emefa Gadze on Grace and Grit for single women.


Christian Vision Board

Where there is no vision, people don’t do well. Developing a vision board is very essential to being successful. Vision boards provide you with a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals. The reason that vision boards work so great is because you visually see them every day. Visualization is one of the most popular and effective mind workouts that you can do. 

There are so many benefits to having a vision board:

  1. For Christians, vison boards helps us define our assignment and purpose.
  2. Once you write something down, it sticks more that when you just think about it and don’t have it written down (write the vision …)
  3. It serves as a daily reminder of your assignment (make it plain…)
  4. It helps you get clear on your vision

Listen to this amazing conversation we had on vision board and create one today.

“This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.” Habakkuk 2:3


Financial Planning Is Non Negotiable

No matter who you are and what your status is, we all need a financial plan. Whether you want to buy a house, save for your kids’ college, live a fulfilling retirement, leave a legacy for your children or make a difference for a charity, financial planning is the key that will help you reach your goals.

Stop postponing this critical issue and start today by reaching out to us to help connect you to a financial planner. Our financial experts can help you create goals around:

  • Budgeting
  • College funding
  • Savings and investment
  • Retirement
  • Insurance

Start today and your tomorrow will thank you for it.

Let us know how we can help you start your journey.


Your Career Matters. Choose Them Carefully

In today’s world, it is very important to choose careers wisely. Career planning provides the framework for thinking about the career you want. Take time to develop a career plan that will get you where you want to be professionally. You can do this by:

  • Keeping an up-to-date resume

This is necessary as you plan for the future of your career and position yourself for opportunities as they present themselves.

  • Thinking about where you want to go and where you are now

Take time to think about your current situation and the path you want to follow. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Are you happy with your career path so far?
    • What could you have done better or differently?
    • What can you change in the future?

Understanding where you are and where you want to go will help with you short- and long-term career goals. Don’t forget to own your career growth. Invest in yourself by learning new skills related to your work.  Attend training sessions, webinars and workshops that will help you learn and grow. Explore lateral moves to broaden your experience or find a mentor in a different department that you’d like to explore. 

Check out our sessions on career on our YouTube channel to learn more or contact us for a one on one career coaching.