Register For
5K Run/Walk 2023

We successfully raised $1,000 to help with providing youth mentoring, mental health support, food and career assistance through our IIP as we continue to support immigrants get through obstacles as they learn to settle into the USA.

Click here for the news coverage

Held in June 30, 2023!

For 2023, the 5K event had a goal of raising $5,000 for the Immigrant Integration program.

5K Run/Walk Event Details

With this program, we will raise funds that will directly serve immigrant/minority students and our immigrant assimilation programs for help immigrants and their families in need.

This is a 9-month program that will include the following:

  • Youth mentoring, mental health support, food and career assistance throughout the 9-month duration as we celebrate their achievements and help get through obstacles as they learn to settle into the USA.
  • Scholarship for college and resources for immigrants to get assimilated and become better citizens.

100% of the proceeds will go to the program and we are seeking to support selected immigrant families for the assimilation program and students for the mentorship program.

All You Need To Know.

Objectives: This event will raise money to provide support for immigrants to help them settle in the USA.

Event Details: The event will be held in person on Saturday, July 1, 2023 at 8:00 am.

You can also walk with us virtually and take a photo of you walking and tag us on any of our social media handles using these hashtags #walkwithme #masterpieced

Starting Point (In-Person): 300 Alumni Dr Lexington KY. Parking Area Behind Laundry to the Arboretum State Botanical Garden of Kentucky and back.


You can walk all through the month of July, donate and help support our immigrant integration program. Don’t forget to share photos with us on our social media platforms!