
Heart Parenting Is Possible

In March, we focused on parenting kids aboard, in different countries by adapting to what the challenges in the new environment entails. Parenting in the USA or another country will look different from what we may have known and experienced growing up. We have to make sure that the core principles and values are still being communicated and taught to our kids no matter where we find ourselves.
Using the book: “Parenting is Heart Work” written by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, we explored how parents can develop specific parenting strategies in raising up children. We can move from focusing only on behavior to understanding what the root cause is- which is the heart. While parents might be able to influence how their children act, real change has to take places in their hearts. God has a heart-based approach to working with people. This same truth changes many strategies and approaches parents use with their kids.
We explored ways on how to:

1. Reach Deep into a Child’s Heart
2. Teach Kids to Listen and Follow Instruction
3. Correct Ideas that Touch the Heart
4. A Toolbox of Consequences
5. End Discipline Times with Impact
6. Teach Children to Accept No as an Answer
7. Attitude: A Window into a Child’s Heart
8. How to Start Connecting With the Heart

Check out our YouTube Channel for excerpts of these conversations. Or join us on Facebook for more discussions.

Master-Pieced is committed to supporting you on this journey of parenting.