
How To Make A Nonprofit Donation

Are you looking for a way to make a difference in the world? Have you ever wanted to make a nonprofit donation and make a real impact on people’s lives, but you’re starting to feel anxious and confused?  Don’t fret! 

In this blog post, we’ll give you step-by-step instructions on how you can donate to a nonprofit organization. 


Research the nonprofit organization 

No matter how much you may want to give back to the community, it’s important to do your due diligence and research the nonprofit organization before making your nonprofit donation. It can be quite perplexing trying to figure out which organization you should donate to, but with a little bit of research, you can make sure your generous donation is going to make a positive impact.

Determine what type of donation you want to give 

When it comes to determining what you want to donate to nonprofits, you have a few options. Do you want to make a one-time donation or become a regular donor? Do you want to donate money or other goods? There’s no wrong answer – just pick what works best for you.

In this article we’ll focus on how to make monetary donations to a nonprofit.

Gather all necessary information 

Once you’ve made your decision, it’s time to gather all the necessary information. This includes your name, address, phone number, bank information, and anything else the organization may need. Don’t worry – they won’t be using this information to spam you with emails or calls! Just make sure you have everything ready before you make your donation.

In most online donations, you may not be needing most of these things, Relax 🙂 

How To Make a  Nonprofit Donation 

How To Make A Nonprofit Donation

Ah yes, the moment you’ve been waiting for. You’ve done all the research, determined what type of donation you want to make and gathered all the necessary information. Now, it’s time to make a donation! 

But wait, how exactly do you make the donation? Is it like ordering a pizza online? Or do you need to write a check? Or do you just hand over stacks of cash? 

Well, the answer is: it depends on the organization. So before you make the donation, make sure you contact the organization or confirm on the organization’s donation page to find out exactly how or what method of donation they accept. If you don’t, you may find yourself in an awkward situation where your donation is not accepted.

Your nonprofit donation can be any amount and packaged in such a way that suits your preference and financial capacity. 

Each nonprofit organization may have different methods of accepting donations. Some may accept cash, check, or credit cards. Others may have more specific methods such as PayPal or Venmo. 

Let’s take a look at some of these options:


Let’s start with the classic, shall we? PayPal is a trusted and secure platform to make nonprofit donations. Plus, if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can add a cute little message for the nonprofit to read. Just make sure to avoid any cringe-worthy jokes or puns, unless you want to make the charity cringe as well.

A lot of community foundations like PayPal for nonprofits donation process.


You might not think of Venmo as a platform for making charitable donations, but it’s actually a convenient option. Just make sure you don’t accidentally send your donation to your ex-girlfriend instead of the nonprofit. That could get weird, don’t you think?.

Facebook Fundraisers

Facebook is more than just a platform for sharing cat memes and political rants. It also has a feature called Facebook Fundraisers, which allows you to create a fundraiser for a nonprofit foundation and share it with your friends. It’s a great way to spread the word and get others involved. 


Shopping on Amazon is already addictive, so why not make it a bit more altruistic? AmazonSmile donates a portion of your eligible purchases to a nonprofit of your choice. Just remember to double-check that you’re actually shopping on AmazonSmile and not the regular Amazon site. Otherwise, you might end up accidentally donating a flat-screen TV to a nonprofit instead of money.


For the tech-savvy and the adventurous, donating cryptocurrency can be a fun and innovative way to support a nonprofit. But be warned: the fluctuating value of cryptocurrencies can be confusing, so you might end up donating a fortune one day and a mere pittance the next. Do  your research before using cryptocurrencies to make any nonprofit donations.

Speaking of cryptocurrencies, have you heard of Coinbase? Etoro? Binanace?

Oh come on! Aiit I need to get back on track. Let’s continue 😉

And that’s it! Once you’ve contacted the organization and made the donation, you can sit back and relax knowing you’ve done something good for the world. Now, all that’s left is to keep a record of the donation and follow up with the organization to ensure your donation is put to good use.

Keep a Record of The Donation 

  • First things first, you’ll want to make sure you have all your donation data organized and easily accessible. Whether you’re using a spreadsheet, a dedicated digital recordkeeping program, or even good old-fashioned paper and pen, you’ll want to make sure you’re keeping your donation records up-to-date.
  • Second, you’ll want to make sure you’re receiving receipts for your nonprofit donations. Most online donation platforms will generate an email receipt for your donation, so make sure you’re keeping track of those. If you’re not receiving receipts, you may want to contact the donation platform to see if you can get them.
  • Third, you’ll want to make sure you’re saving your donation records for tax purposes. That way, when it comes time to file your taxes, you’ll have everything you need to make sure you get the most out of your charitable donations.
  • Finally, if you’re making nonprofit donations on a regular basis, you may want to consider setting up a donation tracking system. This could be as simple as a spreadsheet of your donations that you update each time you donate. Or, if you’re feeling particularly tech-savvy, you could even set up a dedicated donation tracking app or program.
  • Whatever system you choose, the key is to keep your donation record-keeping organized and up-to-date. That way, you’ll be able to easily keep track of all your charitable donations, and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your generosity!

Follow up!

You can ask for updates and progress reports on the impact of a donation and I know this  can seem a bit awkward. But it doesn’t have to be! 

You can just shoot the recipient an email using a catchy subject line. Let’s face it, if the recipient doesn’t open the email, you won’t get an answer. So, make sure the subject line is clever and eye-catching. Something like, “Are you seeing the impact of our donation? Let’s chat!”

This shouldn’t be an interrogation section. It should be genuine and polite. Put your questions in perspective and make them simple and clear. Explain why you’re asking and how the recipient’s answers could benefit the community. This will make them more likely to respond.

Ask questions that can be answered with a yes or no, or with a few sentences, and while you are at it, you can thank them for their efforts and express your interest in the impact of the donation.

 Keep it brief. Don’t send a long, rambling email. Keep it concise and to the point.

If you don’t get an answer, don’t be afraid to politely follow up.

Since we are on this topic, have you ever thought of volunteering or considered its benefits? Do you know that you can even volunteer as little as 3 hours a week online or in person?