Why Help Us?

We have four commitments that makes us unique in our focus for immigrants and minorities

Commitment #1:
Mental health & Well-Being

Our commitment to mental health resources and help for immigrants and minorities
Many immigrants and minorities suffer from various mental health conditions because it is seen as a weakness or a taboo to speak about mental health. Master-Pieced is committed to breaking the barriers that exist in these communities so they can receive the needed help at the right time.
Challenging times such as the pandemic Covid-19 makes mental health even more important. The key is to reach out for help before it is too late. Don’t suffer alone. You are destined for greatness as a Masterpiece so seek help and don’t feel ashamed of where you are today. It is just a point in time. You will be fine. Help is available.

Commitment #2:
Transparency & Accountability

Nearly 90% of donated funds we receive goes directly to help immigrants and minorities. That is to say – we are committed to making sure your donations reaches the people we serve. Through your generosity and support, we are making a lasting difference in the lives of people here in the USA and around the world. We take personal responsibility for using our resources efficiently, achieving results and being accountable to supporters, partners and most of all, the people we serve.

Commitment #3:
Focus on the youth

Young people- especially from minority and immigrant families face a lot of challenges in the USA. Parenting in USA can look very different as immigrant parents try to reconcile their backgrounds to the new environment, they are raising their kids in. We are outspoken advocates for these young people because we believe their future is bright and holds a lot of promise. Through mentorship, we help these young people to believe in the possibility of completing their education and aspiring to be great citizens who impact our world in a positive way.

Commitment #4:
Community & Networking!

What makes us unique? Master-Pieced builds community which allows immigrants to find a place, friends and connections that will make their transitioning to the US smoothly. Moving to a new country always presents its own challenges and finding an organization that cares about you when you don’t know what to do and where to go, makes all the different and we are proud to be that to many immigrants.

Are you ready to sponsor or partner us?

Learn about
Master-Pieced services

Your contributions help us fund programs such as FItInUSA, Coaching, Resume Workshops and many more. Donations are Tax deductible.

Email us: [email protected] >